Saturday, December 12, 2009

No. It's the Universe That's Weird. Stupid Lions...

12/12/2009 12:14 PM – 12:35 PM
It’s sunny out. Quite sunny but the sky isn’t that perfect crystal blue that means it’s really cold. It’s cold, don’t get me wrong, but not that really, really cold that makes the blue really blue. A plane just flew through the tree. It was a very small plane apparently, as it didn’t hit any of the branches. It flew very slowly for a very small plane.

Despite the sleeping pill, it took me forever to fall asleep. And now I’m up late and will be able to squeeze in about twenty minutes of writing. I might have to attempt the impossible and try writing after I get home from work. That is not the time during which my brain works. Nine hours of sleep, I think that’s unnecessary. But there are no babies to make me feel that it is, so I sleep. Or I could just do what I know needs doing and wake up when I’m supposed to and write and be really tired for a week or so until my body re-acclimatize to the new schedule. But I wrote a book! A short one! That’s two novels in my life time! Two more than most people! But that will slowly change. At least amongst the educated classes. To fit better with my demographic, I should be thinner and in better shape. And married.

On the married thing, I think I’ve still got a few years before I become an outlier. Which means more time to play at being a novelist. Well, if I married a girl eight years younger than me, I could probably get away with the 5-years-before-kids thing and that would give me another seven or eight years of playing. I froze there for a second; the strange confusion of the idea of being someone’s parent disoriented me. I almost ran into the lions that were sitting this chase out. Stupid lions. It is still weird to me that people that I know and did wonderful stupid youthful things alongside are issuing forth our replacements. And it has been this way for a long time. Long before my grandparents were born. It feels like there should be a universal system in place in which people that do stupid kid things are stupid kid things and people that admonish stupid kid things should remain people that admonish. That stupid kid things transform into people that admonish is just weird. Seriously. It’s weird. It’s not the occasional “whoops! We made a baby!” This is something that happens over and over again to most people. I'm 33 and I sleep in a twin-sized bed in the “big room” of my upstairs “apartment” in the house of my college roommate and his wife. This oddly makes sense to me. I’m a stupid kid thing. I’m not weird; it’s the universe that’s the weird one.


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