Friday, December 04, 2009

In the Year 2109...

12/4/2009 11:21 AM – 11:41 AM
Okay. Now I’m typing. Now I’m just sitting in my chair, glancing out the window, looking over at my sweet new TV. Well, it’s an old TV, but it’s newer than my old one. I paid cheap. Maybe too cheap. I might feel guilty about it for a while. I’m suddenly almost overcome by the desire to sleep. I could. Grab a little nap before work.

I didn’t get much sleep last night. Despite the Nyquil, I couldn’t fall asleep for almost two hours after I got into bed. Which is weird because I woke up early enough yesterday. I wasn’t even super stoked to get the TV today. I didn’t know it would rock this much. But it does. Now I can watch my downloaded TV shows on a TV instead of on my computer. Sweet. It’s chilly but not cold out. The sky is mostly cloudy but it’s not solid. Still a lot of light. Arg. I have so much to do when the weekend comes around. Pay rent. Buy a bunch of household supplies. Clean. Hopefully, buy a bunch of Christmas presents.

And then mail them. I haven’t mailed anything in, like six years. And no car. And what do I buy? So much. I want to sleep. Just thinking about it makes me want to sleep. And I wanted to sleep anyway. Maybe I will. An hour nap. That might be nice. Or it might suck. I’ll get up groggier than I was. Meh. I’m an American living in the 21st century. I have it better than, like, 99% of anyone anywhere anywhen, thus far. So I shouldn’t complain. Of course, if I was born 100 years from now and we don’t do that idiotic “lets freeze the economy so nobody hurts their poor little selves because we are so obviously smarter than the unwashed masses and so obviously more moral their evil profit-seeking employers” crap that we seem to be heading towards, it would rock more. You’ll be able to smoke and it will be healthy. Dishwashers will be able to buy hover cars that drive themselves. A perfect hamburger will cost you only the cost of the wattage that it takes to power the replicator. It will rock. But right now, my keyboard is acting up. Needs new batteries, I think. It’s annoying. It. Keeps. Stopping. Stupid magic keyboard. Man. I want a nap. Naps will not be necessary in the future. You’ll be able to scan yourself and - poof! - a two hour nap. Or you can still do it manually. Ah, the future!


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