Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Stuff and Intellectual Property Rights

12/9/2009 9:51 AM – 10:16 AM

I really need to get back into the habit of early to bed, early to rise. I’m not up as late as I was yesterday and I feel slowly coming back aliveish. It’s snowy outside but that’s getting melted by the scattered rain. It looks like March outside. At least my bones arent’ cold. Actually, I rather like today’s weather. All gray and windy.

I really need to remember to get good coffee. I’ve been drinking the backup can of Folgers for almost a week now. It takes a lot of cream and sugar to make it drinkable. Which is why I keep forgetting because I make good coffee with lots of cream and sugar. Yesterday didn’t go so great on the writing front. I added about 300 words. I’m behind already. It’s okay though, I’ve got 49 days now. That’s a lot of time. I still have to get the rent. I puttered about yesterday and then it was too late. I have this theory about the future of artistic endeavors. It’s not particularly profitable. Thing is, where would I be if Hammett and Chandler hadn’t done it? And what if I had to pay them for blazing the path?

If a law becomes unenforceable, does it cease to be a valid law? There is a long-standing argument within the libertarian camp about the nature of intellectual property. St. Ayn maintained that all property springs from intellectual property and therefore, intellectual property must be guarded. There are others within the fold that hold that intellectual property is a nonsense phrase. You can own the original painting, but the copies of that painting are not yours. And someone had to invent farming, should we all still be paying his descendants to farm our own land? I still haven’t made my mind up on this one (bit torrenting included). Then there’s the question of medicine – for some reason, people maintain that it’s wrong that pharmaceutical companies make lots of money off of the drugs that they created and tested. Obviously, I say: bullshit. However, once the drug has been created and sent out, there’s a brief stall while others try to figure out what they did, but honestly, that stall is about 6 months tops. Drug companies aren’t’ going to make up the cost of R&D in that 6 months, are they? Don’t know. Just like I don’t know how much pay is too much to pay a CEO. Never had to do it. And my silly little detective story? I emailed it out to about a dozen people. Who owns it? Bah. I don’t know. I don’t know a lot. And I get pissed when people who haven’t done more than repeat a party mantra that they read in an Agitprop pamphlet claim that they do know. You. Don’t. Know. Damn. Nit.


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