Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Which Is Scattered. But Briefly Mocks Vegans. Again.

05/28/2008 6:16 AM – 6:37 AM

And maybe those things you need are just trust, action, skill and practice. Maybe the rest follow. I like these longer days. I’m trying very hard to be the optimist and not think of the approaching first day of summer as depressing but as, instead, something to celebrate. Maybe with dancing to wonderful, silly music.

Yesterday was the first time I actually attempted to lift weights. It went well, all things considered. I only did two sets and it took a really long time, but now I’ve got the numbers and exercises worked out so the next time should go more smoothly. I’ve just got to figure out how to add daily crunches, hyperextensions and meditation to the mix and I’ll be good. Well, that and quit smoking. I know that I’ve just got to quit and say “no” to myself a lot, but that’s so much easier said than done. Ah, well, things go as they go. I’ll figure it out eventually. Chilly out, but in a good way. My muscles are sore. Running tonight. Two miles, I think. But I’ll need to check.

Moby is funny. He makes disco music (silly dance pop) and then mercilessly slanders it. He’s probably a vegan. But please, veganism is inherently self-defeating. I needent go on. Ooo! I like this song. It uses three different metaphors, none of them really fit together at all, but she just kind of jumps breathlessly from one to the other and then back again. And she has a British accent. Hot. My inherent lightness is more wise than my inherent darkness. Do-be-do-be-do. Life makes sense, we can learn this from observing, but how it makes sense is beyond our grasp. Unless we want to cheap out on the question. Then you have any number of options. Many ending in “ism.” I used to watch Disney films at the Corning library in a small room off from the hallway that had the bathrooms. There was a color to those films, a 70’s color that still strikes me as unfathomably beautiful. They all tended to be about animals dying or undergoing great suffering. I hate those stories, but the world that these stories took place in was amazing. It’s that post-Techni-Color color. It doesn’t really translate to TV. It can only be seen through film on a screen in the dark.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I loved watching "The Legend of Lobo." Hell, the western ballad that went with it conjured such a strong sense for the fleeting things of life, the making of legends, the strength of family. Maybe I just relate to wolves. Or the oversaturated ochre and cobalt... yep, those colours were beautiful shining in the dark.

May 28, 2008 at 6:42:00 AM PDT  
Blogger Spike said...

Heehee! Yeah. My favorite was this movie that I don't remember the name of. It was about a beaver. It was a beaver picture. Wait for it... Bwa-Ha-ha-ha! No, but seriously. It really was a movie about a beaver. And it was really sad.

May 28, 2008 at 7:34:00 AM PDT  

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