Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Which Is About Waking Up

06/07/2006 5:13 AM – 5:34 AM

Wake up, oh groggy mind. Wake up, oh sleepy body. Wake up and worship your Creator with being. The streetlights are still on, you’re thinking of writing something. This is a good day. Wake up and do. The air is still chilly with night.

For advice, I’d say: don’t spend your morning looking up gossip on Meg Ryan. It will just make you grumpy. Let everything go and come back to the still, small point. This is being. Right here and now. The morning glory seeds are all planted. It’s a Wednesday. Let go of the passage of time. Find the point of reference that grasps the one, long moment. Eat only what you need. Save your money. Live simply. Desire only what is here. Keep your body well. Sit every day. Write every day. Every moment is good enough until at last we find our separation from the Divine too much to bear. Be here now.

There is more than enough in those few bits to keep you busy for a lifetime. Be humble as the streetlights flicker out, finding peace in the letting go. This too shall pass, whether this is hard or easy, pleasant or unpleasant. Let it go and hold onto the single moment that is being alive. Change is impossible, nothing is changeless. Fade and grow strong. Just sit. There is more than enough. How can you be poor when you have more than enough to eat and wear? How can you be worried when you can see the peace at the heart of all being? Just let go of your stubborn insistence on a flawed perspective. You are here. Delight in it. Enjoy all the strange days of your strange life, this is the command that God has given man. Let go of your anger at the wind, it’s a rather pointless point of view. This passes. All things pass. Wake up your delight. Enjoy your existence. We never left the garden. Our fall was to see it as not enough. There is no cause for shame – all your debts are paid. Wake up.


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